focused on the marketing and international marketing, market research, trade, innovation management, legislative disciplines (labour and business law), world forestry and world resources of wood.
Focus of the department activity
is in the field of marketing, international relations, market research, trade and trade policy, innovation management, world resources of wood raw material as well as in the area of law.
We teach in both daily and external studies
in all study programs of The Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, as well as the university study programme and Forestry Faculty.
Our Science
Focuses on the grant projects and the international projects with the cooperation on the domestic and international level.
in the framework of scientific cooperation with industry and other universities at national as well as international level, as well as the membership of domestic and international organizations.
Department of Marketing, Trade and World Forestry was established as a newly created department at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen on June 1, 1997. The main department's activity is in the sphere of marketing, trade policy and forest products trade, world resources of wood, innovation management, legislative disciplines (labour and business law).
Department of Marketing, Trade
and World Forestry
The Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology
Technical University in Zvolen
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
T: +421 45 5206 441